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/_/ |_/____/ .___/\___/\___/\__/\____/|__/|__/ Enterprise & Light Edition
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Aspectow is an all-in-one web application server based on Aspectran. It is divided into two products.
Aspectow Enterprise Edition
Aspectow Enterprise Edition is an all-in-one web application server based on Aspectran, fully supports servlet specifications, and is suitable for building enterprise web applications.
JBoss’ Undertow web server and Apache Jasper, the JSP engine used by Apache Tomcat, are built in.Aspectow Light Edition
Aspectow Light Edition is a lightweight version with servlet specifications removed from Aspectow, an all-in-one web application server based on Aspectran, and is suitable for building high-performance REST API services.
JBoss’s Undertow web server is built-in.